Former Bush Speechwriter: Remarkable Parallels Between Palin and Reagan Speeches

People who think her rhetoric is very inflammatory ought to look what Reagan was saying in 1964

Some of Bush’s other speechwriters could learn a thing or two from this guy. When you’re going to comment on a speech, it may be a good idea to actually “read” the speech first so you know what you’re talking about.

Former advisor to Hillary Clinton Jehmu Greene responded:

Sarah Palin knows how to give a good speech and she was very charismatic, you know she talked about courage and the pioneering spirit and everyone’s, you know,desire, to fight for freedom and all of those things were good. I think if you like  Sarah Palin you loved the speech, but unfortunately there are growing numbers of people in this country that don’t like Sarah Palin and they probably hated the speech.

Ms Greene touched on a point I repeat over and over. Those who hate Governor Palin have no idea why they hate her and never listen to her, unless those people really are against courage, the pioneering spirit and the desire for freedom.

I wont hold her ramrk of how “Palin knows how to give a good speech and she was very charismatic” against her, after all she was a Hilary Clinton advisor. Though I think it’s safe to say she eventually did fall for someone who gave good speeches, was very charismatic but still has no solutions.

Later on the conversation turns to the Governors 3am phone-call comments.

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