On Saturday, Judge Jeanine Pirro interviewed Governor Palin. The interview covered a wide range of topics: the budget, the deficit, energy, Israel, Libya, Mexico, the Obama administration’s incompetence, terrorism, the war on terror, and unions. Basically, all of the important issues facing the country and the world today.
Via PalinTV
It was a great interview for both sides. The Judge asked great questions and Governor Palin responded in kind.
That is until the judge’s urge for a soundbite led her to throw in a stupid question about the whack job Kathy Griffin.
Really Judge? With all the issues facing the country and the world, was that really necessary? I’ll forgive you for the question about the shoes – you’re a woman, you liked the shoes – but Griffin?
Ms. Pirro did Governor Palin a great disservice by asking her this question. Governor Palin had no choice but to respond. Now, out of a 15 minute policy-based interview, not a single media outlet, including Foxnews’s own Fox Nation, is covering anything other than that 44 second soundbite. By asking that question the Judge just helped to advance the false narrative that Governor Palin never discusses issues of substance.
Of course Ms. Pirro will justify herself by saying that Governor Palin didn’t have to respond had she not wanted to. She could have easily answered “Come on Judge, we’ve just spent 15 minutes talking about far greater problems, are we really going to discuss the the casting of TV shows?”
That’s what people don’t get about Governor Palin. She speaks her mind. Governor Palin doesn’t play games and doesn’t spin. So when she’s asked a question, she responds and the media know that. I’m sure Governor Palin would have loved to respond to those questions by saying: “With all due respect, we’ve just covered many important topics; the economy, energy, national security and foreign policy. Now you’re asking me this question simply because you want a soundbite that will take away the attention of my substance. Well I’m not giving it to you, it’s about time people get to hear what I have to say and not the headline you want to push to use me to get traffic.” But dare her do that and you have these headlines Sarah Palin to Bill O’Reilly: Don’t interrupt! or Sarah Palin doesn’t take kindly to … That is why they pull those stunts.
One can easily conclude that the judge felt the interview was going really well for the Governor. She was very good at discussing a wide range of issues and Pirro realized that this may help her politically, so she decided to deliberately sabotage the interview.
The conservative blogsphere, including Noel Sheppard and Andrew Breitbart, are not an innocent party either as some found it amusing to cherry pick just the Griffin part of the interview. Many in the conservative blogosphere portray themselves as supporters of Governor Palin but do they really support her? It’s pretty clear that, like many on the right, they are not interested in actually helping Governor Palin; they are just using her as a sledgehammer to slam liberals that they dislike.
Breitbart himself has often stated he’d rather Governor Palin become the next Oprah. While Andrew is entitled to his opinion, he should quit playing the game as if he’s trying to help Governor Palin when all he’s doing is using her as a weapon to attack his enemies.
Over the weekend Governor Palin had three interviews, totalling 29 minutes of substance, covering every issue currently in the national debate. Yet, apparently no one found anything other than three 30 second soundbites, completely irrelevant to the substance of the interviews, to report on.
The same thing happened with her Long Island Association Q&A. The Governor took questions on every issue from a pro-abortion, pro-gun control Democrat for over an hour before an audience of socially liberal Democrats and Republicans in an area where the Democrat Party is strong, yet no one found anything to report on other than some made up controversy about breast milk.
If I’m wrong, can someone explain it to me why we see very little coverage of any substantive comments Governor Palin makes, but almost daily coverage of how some dumb liberal attacked her?
Sure some in the conservative blogosphere will hide under the cover of “we’re defending her”, and they will on some occasions throw a bone to keep up appearances. But the facts point to them using her and it’s about time someone called them out.
Cross-Posted C4P
One Response to “Judge Pirro’s Disservice To Governor Palin”
[…] Our buddy Sheya has a few comments for the Judge which you can read here. […]