It’s a very powerful and serious response. While totally ticked off, he came across extremely presidential. Listen to the whole thing.
I’m very disappointed in the president. I was excited when we got invited to attend his speech today. I thought the president’s invitation to Mr. Cantor, Mr. Hensarling and myself was an olive branch. Instead, what we got was a speech that was excessively partisan, dramatically inaccurate and hopelessly inadequate to addressing our country’s pressing fiscal challenges. What we heard today was not fiscal leadership from our commander in chief; what we heard today was a political broadside from our campaigner in chief. I guess it’s no coincidence that last week when the president launched his billon dollar re-election campaign was the week we launched our effort to try and get this debt and deficit under control and get our economy growing.
Last year in the absence of a serious budget, the president created a fiscal commission. Then with his budget he disavowed his fiscal commission. He ignored all of its recommendations. Now, he wants to delegate leadership yet again to a new commission. How are we to expect different results? And the measurements of success of this new commission are lower than the measurements of success of the last commission that ended a few months ago.
We need leadership. We don’t need a doubling down on the failed politics of the past. This is very sad and very unfortunate. Rather than building bridges he’s poisoning wells. By failing seriously to confront the most predictable economic crisis in our nation’s history, the president’s policies are committing us to a diminished future.
We are looking for bipartisan solutions not partisan rhetoric. When the president is ready to get serious about it we are going to be here working.
Exploiting people’s emotions of fear, envy, and anxiety is not hope. It’s not change, it’s partisanship. We don’t need partisanship, we don’t need demagoguery, we need solutions. And we don’t need to keep punting to other people to make tough decisions. If we don’t make tough decisions today, our children are going to have to make much, much tougher decisions tomorrow.
So I’m sincerely disappointed that the president, at a moment when we are putting ideas on the table, to try and engage in a thoughtful dialogue to fix this country’s economic and fiscal problems, decided to pour on the campaign rhetoric, launches re-election and passed partisan broadsides against us and making it that much harder for the two parties to come together with mutual respect of one another to get things done.
Via The Right Scoop
Paul Ryan came on the Mark Levin show to talk about the speech today. Obviously you have a general idea of how feels, but in this interview he breaks down what’s wrong Obama’s proposal and correct the lies about the Republican proposal.
Listen here
Awesome rebuke of presidential puke!
Palin/Ryan 2012
We need to establish a new party. Not a third party, but a new and conservative party comprised of serious people like Palin and Ryan.
Obama has thrown down the gauntlet. We won’t be bringing a knife to the Obama gun fight.
Obama and his supporters must be defeated. Period.