Charles Krauthammer has been quite critical of Donald Trump. Calls him the Al Sharpton of the Republican party, a clown, unserious and someone who will harm the Republican Party:
The Donald wasn’t going to let any of this go unanswered and instead of turning it into a national argument, decided to call Krauthammer himself and make his case directly to him. Safe to say that the Doctor was impressed.
Dr. Krauthammer reveals details of the call:
Got to hand it to Trump, he doesn’t let anything slide. If he’s attacked or criticized he confronts people directly and he does it in style. If he keeps going this way it wont be too long before he changes a lot of people’s minds into supporting him. Say what you will about Trump, but he jumps into the lions den without fear. An important element in taking on your critics. If only other politicians would take lesson.
I’m not suggesting confronting every lousy journalist or commentator. But when someone like Charles Krauthammer criticizes you, pick up a phone, have a chat and make your case. It can go a long way.
In this clip Krauthammer tells Hannity, that while he hasn’t changed his opinion about the unseriousness of Trumps candidacy, he thinks more highly of Trump as a person which he found surprising and gratifying:
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[…] My friend Sheya shares his spot-on thoughts about Trump, which you should read. […]