Governor Palin: The Message Is Clear, It’s Time!

The following tale is an old classic. I’ve heard it in mixed variations but the lesson is ultimately the same.

A man lived in a small town that was immersed in a flood from bad weather conditions. The river had overflowed and the town’s people were in the midst of evacuating. Everyone but one man had successfully gotten out. When the flood had risen to his ankles a truck stopped by. The trucked driver called out ‘Sir, get in the truck ‘. The man answered back ‘I prayed and I believe that G-d will save me’.

When the flood had risen to his knees a cow walked by ‘Mooooo!’ hinting for the man to jump on his back. The man replies  ‘No, I don’t think so. I prayed and I believe that G-d will save me. Besides I don’t really like cows, especially your cows they are smelly.’

The flood had now risen to his waist  and a Boat stopped by, the man in the Boat shouted ‘Sir get in’ Yet the man again replied ‘No, I’m waiting for G-d to save me.’

When the flood reached his neck a Helicopter flew by, ‘HEY! You are lucky I found you. I was heading back the other way when I got this strange feeling to come and check over here. I thought everyone had been evacuated by boat already. grab hold of the rescue line and I’ll pull you up’ said the pilot. Once again the man shouts out “Why don’t you people get it, G-d is going to save me.’

Eventually the man drowns and reaches heaven. He asks G-d; I trusted in you, I prayed and prayed, why didn’t you save me’?

Well I sent you a truck, a cow, a Boat and a Helicopter, what more do you want, why did you ignore me? Just because I didn’t send you a “miracle” didn’t mean that I wasn’t responding to your prayers.

But ‘G-d’ says the man; ‘a cow?’ To which G-d responded; ‘Yep, just goes to show that I can use anything, even a stinky old cow’.

Governor Palin, when asked about your potential run for the presidency you’ve always responded that you’re waiting to see how the field shapes up. Well, the field is shaping up. I don’t know about you but I along with the majority of Americans can’t see anyone in there that stands for the values you approve of or has the common sense solutions you have been calling for.

Governor Palin, you have said that you’ll be examining the lay of the land. Well the lay of the land stinks: Unemployment is rising, the deficit is sky rocketing, oil prices are through the roof and we have a president who thinks that by patting himself on the back all of our problems will suddenly go away. The lay of the land is full of crap and we need someone to clean it up.

Governor Palin, you have often stated that if G-d only cracks the door open for you, you’ll plow through it. He’s sent you a lousy field, he’s sent you a desperate nation and he’s sent you people who are willing to go to the mat for you, people who’ll sacrifice it all for you. He even sent you the stinking cows and got me to write this message for you. What else are you waiting for?

Governor Palin. G-d has plowed the doors down for you, all you have to do now, is get the message and run with it.

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32 Responses to “Governor Palin: The Message Is Clear, It’s Time!”

  1. Palin will have to decide this one on her own.  The risks all the way around are just too high to simply trust the possibly happenstance presence of a cow (no offense–I’m probably myself).  It does no good to jump on a cow–any cow–if the animal will just drown you in a raging river.

  2. Sheya says:

    and THIS is this all you took out of all this? The cow? Glad I put that in, otherwise WHAT would you have to jump on? It’s about the larger sentiment.   It’s about the larger sentiment.   

  3. Mary Rambow says:

    Maybe its just me, but no matter what blog I am reading, including this one, I always wonder why people use: G-d.  Why can’t we just say God?  I truly do not understand, am I missing something?  If so, please tell me what I am missing?  I personally think G-D is very offensive, especially to Him.  Are we afraid to say his full name?? 

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m Sending a Donation

    Run Sarah Please

  5. Sheya says:

    Different people have different reasons for it. For the most I heard that because G-d’s name is holy and pure, anything that contains his name must be handled with due vigilance. Like never delete it, or trash it.etc.. To avoid this people won’t spell it out completely  Others feel that G-d’s name is holy and we human’s are not pure enough to spell it out. Others just don’t spell it out completely out of respect, like you wouldn’t call someone you respect by their first name.

  6. Mary Rambow says:

    Thank you Sheya.  If its out of respect, then I fully understand and will concur.  But if it’s because its PC, then that’s just wrong.  Sometimes I get the sense that it’s because of PC issues……………I hope I am wrong and I certainly am not pointing my finger at you personally.   

  7. The Monster says:

    His name isn’t even “God”.  That’s His title.  His name is Y’H’V’H, with the apostrophes representing vowels that were left out of the Hebrew transcription.  You see some people render it as Jehovah (in most languages, the letter J makes the sound reserved for “Y” in English) or Yahweh (there’s some question about whether it’s a V or W that the Hebrew letter really represents, and they’re not even putting a vowel between the middle two consonants).  One site has it as Yahuweh…

  8. Sheya says:

    Mary I can assure you it’s a respect thing. nothing to do with PC : ) 

  9. HiramHawk says:

    As I too, impatiently wait for Gov. Palin to decide…  It sickens me to see Obama, knowingly, intentionally and systematically dismantling America.  I look forward to Sarah’s announcement that she will take on Obama and guide America to thrive again.

  10. nala3325 says:

    Perhaps you guys have also heard of this one. Inside a bar, a drunken man was screaming mad at God, ” how come You did not come and save me”? The man next to him asked, “Why are so mad”? The drunken man said, “well, I went hiking at Mt McKinley and I had fallen into a crevasse. I prayed and prayed to God to come and save me. I waited for three days and He did not come”. The other man asked, “so how did you make it out”? “Well”, the drunken man said, “an Eskimo came and pulled me out.

    The moral of the story: Never underestimate the power of an ALASKAN!

  11. Anonymous says:

    I trust that Palin knows exactly what she is doing.  Patience and trust…it is all according to G-d’s plan anyway, whatever will be. 

  12. Don B says:


    That story is one that reminds us to not expect the Lord to give us what we want when we pray, but rather what we need. We have to pray for wisdom to see, as well.

    I remember Sarah saying that she would run if she did not see anyone else capable, and if we the people wanted her. I see us as being the ones stuck in the flood. We are the ones who are waiting to be saved by a miracle, when the good Lord has already sent us someone who can lift us from the waters. There are many reasons given for not seeing this gift; she’s a woman, she’s not ready, she resigned her governorship, she’s unelectable, she’s divisive, etc. We are the ones letting the Lord’s gift pass us by, while the waters rise around us.

    Because she has asked in prayer, the Lord is paving her way. Because she has humbly asked His guidance, He is opening doors for her.

    Now it is up to us. Now is our time to take what is offered. Now is our time to pray for the wisdom to see. The Lord has given us what we need.

    If we the people want her.

  13. Greg Legakis says:

    I prefer “Heavenly Father.”  Just sayin.

  14. Sheya says:

    DonNice take. Well said! 

  15. Anonymous says:

    Sheya – Your post & reminding us of the “G-d will save me” story gave me goosebumps!  So applicable in this situation!  Thanks!  It’s comforting to know there are others just as impatient as I am 😉 

  16. Don B says:

     Thank you.

    And may I take this opportunity to say thank you as well for all you do.  You are appreciated.

  17. Anonymous says:

    A man prayed everyday that he would win the lottery. Please G_d, I really need this one. And he prayed non-stop for weeks.
    After a few weeks, an angel appeared to the man, and said, “G_d says give him a break. At least buy a lottery ticket.” 

  18. Anonymous says:

    Now that’s funny 

  19. Anonymous says:

    Sheya, many of us are becoming impatient but it is my honest belief that she will announce sometime in July. Listen these next 2 months will be her time of reflection. Plus, I believe that things are happening behind the scenes that no one is leaking. Wasilla is remote, people could come and go and not even be recognized. If she were not seriously considering a run why would she need a policy adviser that can give her “more of his time”? I think she and whatever team she has is quietly assembling a platform.
    I could be wrong but I’m hoping I’m right. 

  20. Anonymous says:

    One heck of a chess game being played now. 

  21. Anonymous says:

    Wouldn’t it be ironic if people sent to SarahPac their $400 “make pay work” tax credit???? 

  22.  Great post. We need you Sarah.

  23. Kalena says:

    Well we can look on the bright side, in ONE WEEK, 3 of them self destructed or took themselves out of the running, or is that 4?  Let’s see:

    1)  Trump, bowed out
    2)  Huck, bowed out
    3)  Newt, can’t get his story straight on dissing Ryan about medicare reform and giving the Dems soundbites to hurt us in the next elect.   NEXT!!!
    4)  Ron Paul, said he would not have killed Bin Laden.   His foreign policy is a disaster in this era where 1/6 of the world wants to kill us just because we are “infidels”.  NEXT

    That leaves us with who?

    5)  Romney, idiot doubled down on Romneycare.  He MUST NOT get the nomination, because that takes Obamacare off the table as a 2012 election issue.  NEXT
    6)  Daniels, still pleading with his wife for permission to enter the race.  NEXT
    7)  Pawlenty, came in third in the debate a few days ago, AND he has signed sharia compliant legislation for banking laws, supported cap and tax for a while, etc.   NEXT
    8)  Hunstman, are they kidding?   NEXT
    9)  Cain, strong showing in the debate but does he have the moxie to raise a billion dollars to be competitive to Obozo?  too iffy, but he will keep the right focus in the debates
    10)  Bachman, the Palin minime?  We need  her in Congress to try to become Speaker in 2013.
    11)  Ryan, ruled out a Senate bid, probably won’t run
    12)  Palin?  Her army waits for her to make it official.  Mid July can’t come soon enough.

    Meanwhile, everyone who wants her to run should go donate $20.12 to SarahPac so she can see we are serious.  I don’t think the rules allow her to use that for her own election, but it sure will help her with funding to take down some more RINOS and progressives in 2012 in Congress.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Love it!  Hope the Guv reads it.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Well put Sheya.  Ty.

    Hope Gov. Palin is reading. 

    Love Bill589’s comment. 

  26. Anonymous says:

    Your posting seemed even more relevant than ever after reading Gallup today where in their summary they printed in bold “Palin thus must be considered one of the GOP leaders at this point.”

    How much more open does the door have to get?

  27. Roger says:

     Well said!!!! I have said the same thing at my blog Thank you. Run Sarah Run.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Indeed, Sheya!

  29. Anonymous says:

    dang I’m all teary now..we stand ready for the call..G-D speed to the WH! It will take The Cuda to right this ship..our nation hangs in the balance. Prayerfully waiting, boots ready..
    Madame President 45

  30. Fred Smith says:

    Well I’m hopin and prayin that she makes her move NOW!!!  She is the only one that can put Owebama in his place.  Go Sarah Go!!!

  31. Jack Bishop says:

    I ditto those comments…….you betcha in 2012

    (Small Business owner, since 1982 in Software Development, Floridian where we have 27 electoral votes)
