It appears that Politico has run out of anonymous sources that they are now reverting to simply making stuff up.
In their latest hit piece against Governor Palin, Politico writes: (emphasis added)
Will Sarah Palin’s intensifying rivalry with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) cause the former Alaska governor to run for president?
The first female Republican vice presidential nominee clearly believes she is the one who has paid the heavy dues by bearing the brunt of the “liberal elite” attacks to help build the tea party, social conservative wing of the GOP.
Palin’s bus tour had some of the hallmarks of a primal scream: “I built this constituency, not Bachmann, not anyone else,” she said. Looking at it through her eyes, she has a point.
Little problem there, Governor Palin NEVER said it.
SarahPAC released the following statement:
An absurd opinion piece in Politico includes a quote attributed to Governor Palin that is a total fabrication and yet is deliberately written to appear as if it is a legitimate direct quote. By any standard this is unacceptable even for an opinion piece. This puts us in mind of a real quote of something Governor Palin actually did once say to the media: “Quit making stuff up.”
We know how the lamestream media, after they are called out, like to cover their tracks, change and delete paragraphs as if it never happened. You know, after the international media has picked it up and run with it. So we figured a screen-cap would be in order.
Click here or on the image for a screen capture of the full Politico post:
Retracto calls for an apology and immediate retraction:
We call on Politico to issue a retraction and apology to Mrs. Palin.
Watching how the lamestream media is treating Governor Palin, and its credibility self destructing on a daily basis, the story of how Governor Palin beat Obama in 2012 is practically writing itself.
Politico corrected and changed the paragraph to the following:
Palin’s bus tour had some of the hallmarks of a primal scream: I built this constituency, not Bachmann, not anyone else. Looking at it through her eyes, she has a point.
And issued the following correction
CORRECTION: An editing error caused a false attribution in an earlier version of this column. A comment by the authors was transformed into a direct quote from Sarah Palin. She never said the words attributed to her. Those words were written by the authors.
While I appreciate the correction, wouldn’t it have been better if the mistake wouldn’t have been made in the first place? This is just an example of how when it comes to Governor Palin fact checking for authenticity doesn’t apply, accept of course when they need to scrutinize her emails. Watch for a lot of those “false attributions” applied to those emails over the next couple of days.
Politico can’t be allowed to get away with this.
“That chillbilly thinks she can see Russia from her house.”
This is the mentality we’re up against: Millions of morons who can’t tell the difference between reality and an SNL sketch or a Stewart or Colbert “story”, much less discern when the LSM is making crap up.
“That chillbilly thinks she can see Russia from her house.”
This is the mentality we’re up against: Millions of morons who can’t tell the difference between reality and an SNL sketch or a Stewart or Colbert “story”, much less discern when the LSM is making crap up.
And now Newsmax runs the quote as if it’s something she said. Unbelieveable.