Obama Announces Deal, Boehner Sends Out Plan, Krauthammer Concedes Tea Party Win – Have Your Say

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President Obama announces the agreement: “The Leaders of Both Parties Have Found Their Way Toward Compromise”

Speaker Boehner sent a Power Point presentation to his caucus explaining the deal. I still need to read it Click each image to enlarge or click here for Full size PDF

Chalres Krauthammer: Obama Is The Loser, Tea Party The Winners
Chalres Krauthammer reacts the the debt limit deal where he concedes that the tea party one this round:

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6 Responses to “Obama Announces Deal, Boehner Sends Out Plan, Krauthammer Concedes Tea Party Win – Have Your Say”

  1. John Norton says:

      According to Krauthammer Debt is the new norm… wants the tea party to quit after this and go home …Whats the matter Charles worried about your job…

  2. Quang Do says:

    Conservatives/Tea partiers, watch your back. I do not trust RINOs.

  3. Anonymous says:

    In your poll question, you should have asked “No one” because the American people lost due to the refusal of the Senate and the President to accept CCB, a plan that would put the Federal Government on the glide path to balancing its budget and thereafter being able to use budgetary surpluses to start paying down the national debt.

    As far as Krauthammer saying that tea partiers were the winners, please. The tea partiers did not win anything. They acted in what they perceived was the best interests of Americans, setting aside “partisan games.”

    IMV, tea partiers and movement conservatives, while thanking the Speaker and Minority Leader McConnell for their efforts, and while accepting that Republicans will vote for the deal to avert the immediate crisis, created by the Obama administration, should reject the deal, pinning full responsibility for the failure to craft the best solution on the Democrats and Obama, given Obama’s refusal to lead, but instead being only concerned about his re-election effort.

    Just my thoughts.

  4. MaMcGriz says:

    Yes. Once again we paid while they, as, usual, played.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Krauthammer isn’t dumb.  I wonder if he understands, even if he won’t voice it, that Sarah Palin is a big part of this Tea Party victory.  He famously told Sarah to leave the room way back when.  She not only didn’t leave the room, she filled it with Tea Party patriots.

    I tell you what I’m thinking.  Nobody can be angrier right now than committed Democrats.  I have no doubt that in private they’re cursing Obama, finally understanding what a nothing he is.  He’s not a leader, he doesn’t care about them, and he has no idea what he’s doing.  Even they must know by now what a disaster they have on their hands. 

    Get ready for more wailing and flailing from these people.  Imagine the left and our MSM over the next year.  Sarah running for President against their guy, the Disaster-in-Chief.  Sarah waiting to enter the race has been great because it’s given Obama the time and space to out himself as probably the worst President in our time, and maybe in our history.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I am glad I don’t look like Krauthammer.
