Karl Rove: Palin Is The Only One Who Can Beat Obama

It’s no secret that President Obama’s chances for reelection are diminishing on a daily basis. The economy is tanking, all indications point to a double dip recession, unemployment is hovering at 9%, the stock market is on a roller coaster ride, and to top it all off, America’s credit rating has, for the first time in history, been downgraded under his watch.

Obama and his team can go around blaming the Republicans and the Tea Party, but that only works with some political junkies. The average American who needs to put food on their table has only one concern: What is in their wallets. And when their wallets are empty, they blame the president. The president can try to spin it in whatever way he thinks might work, but it won’t.

Come 2012 the Republican nominee for president will just need to ask the following questions: Are you better off now than you were four years ago? How is that hopey changy thing working out for you?

Barack Obama has a lot of faults, but he’s not stupid. He knows he has no record to run on; even his key accomplishment, health care, is hanging in the balance. He hasn’t got much to tout to his base, let alone independents, the key demographic in his reelection bid.

So what’s Obama’s plan? Karl Rove explains it.

Talking to Bill O’Reilly, Mr Rove said that the Obama campaign plan is to go after whoever is the Republican nominee mercilessly, period. Attack them hard and make them completely unacceptable to the American people.  So Obama wins re-election because people say, “I don’t like what Obama is doing, I’m really disappointed, but the other person stinks and is much worse.”

In a later segment talking to Sean Hannity, Rove added that if we end up with a weak candidate who chickens out with a weak response to those attacks, Obama will conceivably win re-election.



Well, I’m glad Mr Rove is catching on.

Last January, in an article titled: If Palin Is Unelectable In 2012, So Are All The Other GOP Candidates, I wrote:

Make no mistake, the next GOP nominee will be taken to the woodshed and beaten up just like Governor Palin. Just go back and see what happened to media darling John McCain in 2008. This time though the operation is run from within the white house, with the CIA, FBI, the Pentagon and the entire media at their disposal. They will use every tool and every trick in the book to take down any GOP potential nominee.

Mr. Rove argues that to beat President Obama, Republicans will have to nominate a candidate who is Obama-proof, immune from any attack, and has the guts and courage to take him on forcefully.

No person in history has been vilified and attacked as much as Governor Palin. Palin has already had everything and anything thrown at her. They have sent the lawyers, investigated her, hacked her emails, and everything in between. They have called her every name in the book, compared her to every nut in the world, and accused her of every possible crime, including mass murder.

Nothing stuck. The more they went after her the stronger she became. By the time 2012 comes around, even if Governor Palin would be caught in Times Square kneeled beside a dead body, covered in blood with the murder weapon in hand, no one will believe she did it. The Democrats have nothing left to throw at her and the tactic of attack to destroy simply won’t work with Governor Palin. Sarah Palin is Obama Proof.

That’s not to say that they won’t try, but when they do, who better to take them on than Governor Palin? For the past three years Govrnor Palin has been the most vocal critique of the president. She took him on when his approval ratings were still high and no one dared say anything negative about “the messiah”.  Governor Palin isn’t, and has never been chicken at going after Obama. She doesn’t hold back.

Furthermore, of all the candidates in the race Palin is the only one who has already run against Barack Obama. She knows how he works, she knows what makes him tick, and she is the only one that can throw him off guard and forcefully take him out.

Karl Rove is really saying – If Republicans want to beat Barack Obama, they should nominate Sarah Palin.

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19 Responses to “Karl Rove: Palin Is The Only One Who Can Beat Obama”

  1. The Monster says:

    This is exactly what I’ve been telling the “She’s unelectable because the MSM got the Narrative out on her already” crowd.  Whoever we nominate will get a Narrative.  They’ve already done everything they can to destroy her, and if she’s nominated their lies will become so over the top that people will see them for what they are.

    We can’t let Tina Fey do what Chevy Chase did. We can’t let the infotainment industry destroy our candidates, or we’ve lost before we even start.

  2. Anonymous says:

    You are correct!

  3. Patti says:

    Oh, Karl.  You are SO RIGHT!   And I mean that in every way anyone would choose to spin those words!  LOL.   I can’t wait for Sarah to announce her plans.  Based on what she said she was waiting to see before making that decision, I have a feeling she started writing her acceptance speech for the GOP nomination late last night!     She is a rockstar even more compelling than Obama. 

    I believe she truly is this country’s last hope!   Run, Sarah, Run.  

  4. William Van Henley says:

    Sheya, Just read this over at C4P and refreshed the page and this article disappeared.  Good article so was wondering what happened.

  5. Kelsey says:

    Too many people throwing a hissy fit about the title. 

  6. Anonymous says:

    You are CORRECT Sheya….We have Always Said That Sarah Palin is The Only Leader Who Can Defeat Obama Next Year….

  7. Fred Smith says:

    I saw the interview Saturday night with Hannity and it sounded to me very likely Sarah will get in the race.  Not sure what Rove is up to as he usually isn’t in favor of her running.  I’m just so anxious and impatient to see her announce already and wonder what tahel she is waiting for.  Palin/Bachman 2012

  8. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think the elites in the republican party want a true Conservative in the race, in fact, I don’t really think they even want them in the party. They seem to be content to play second fiddle in Washington. As the article stated, they bought into the phony praises the media heaped onto McCain thinking they would be fair with him, they thought wrong. The left knew McCain would be easy to beat. Had it not been for Palin, McCain’s defeat would have been the worst ass-whippin’ a Republican had ever received in a presidential race. Yet, it appears the party plans to use the same old playbook they used in 08.

    Personally, I’m tired of holding my nose to vote. I’m not buying into this “anyone is better than Obama”. If the Republican nominee buys into the Man Made Global Warming scam, then they are no better than Obama. This election is the most important one in our history. This election will determine  if we will become a Socialist country, going downhill like those in Europe, or continue to be the the strongest, most prosperous country in the world.

  9. bkisses08 says:

    lol this is comical the repukes already have how many people up against obama and still none of them are any closer to beating obama.. if they were one of them would be selected.. they keep tossing in more candidates and nothings working out for them its comical

  10. Sherry Wood says:

    I have a mixed opinion about this issue only because……

    If we had Anybody (Karl Rove) who really cared about the U.S. Constitution and made sure that all of our presidential elecitions were fair and accurate, then they would  not allow 0bama/Soetoro to be able run for the position of POTUS/CIC illegally,,,,,, again! Strange how they managed to properly and thoroughly vet McCain/Palin, but did not provide equal treatment for 0bama/Biden back in ’08. The man has STILL not shown one ounce of authentic, credible proof. The latest document shown to the public on April 27, 2011 has been found to be a forgery. If you can ignore one part of the Constitution, then you can ignore all of it. Article II, Section I, Clause 5 was put in their by our founding fathers for a reaon: National Securtiy; no Usurpers allowed!

    If however, we must let this foreign-born, America-hating Usurper slide through the election process again in 2012, then I would definitely want former Governor Sarah Palin. She cleaned house on both sides of the aisle, put that state in a fiscal positive, and is all about energy independence. She can handle the corrupt-as-hell/corruption at it finest/Chicago-style thuggery tricks, too! She’s been tested, tried, and found to be true, and has the $500,000 bill to prove it from last time!

  11. Even a blind pig occasionally finds a truffle. Congrats, Karl.

  12. I have always admired her from the first day I looked and listened to her!  She is smart, intelligent, witty, quick and very beautiful and attractive!  No one in the left wing media can match her!  They are scared of her, they envy her and hate her!  She is a true patriot inside and out and no one can deny it.  She has strong family and Christian values. I am sure that she will hold firm and protect our country from foreign invaders who are Islam. Islam is a threat to our democracy and we all know it except the liberals who still palling around and partying with them like what Obama was doing on aug. 1st, and what a shame on what he said!  Sarah will fight and tackle them!  We need her now beefore it is too late, America!  Wake up!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Typical liberal troll!  You OBVIOUSLY didn’t read the article.  Now you run, run back to the rock you live under.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Carl Rove never made that statement.  “Karl Rove: Palin Is The Only One Who Can Beat Obama”  Let’s clean up your act here please.  As a Palin supporter… we don’t need false reporting like this.  This will hurt our movement to get Sarah in the Oval Office.

    Clever… not using “Quote Marks” on that.  You were just putting those words in his mouth.  And by the way…. Carl Rove is a political SNAKE.  HE DOES NOT SUPPORT PALIN!!

    A Sarah Cub

    PALIN 2012

  15. Anonymous says:

    Carl Rove never made that statement.  “Karl Rove: Palin Is The Only One Who Can Beat Obama”  Let’s clean up your act here please.  As a Palin supporter… we don’t need false reporting like this.  This will hurt our movement to get Sarah in the Oval Office.

    Clever… not using “Quote Marks” on that.  You were just putting those words in his mouth.  And by the way…. Carl Rove is a political SNAKE.  HE DOES NOT SUPPORT PALIN!!

    A Sarah Cub

    PALIN 2012

  16. Anonymous says:

    Carl Rove never made that statement.  “Karl Rove: Palin Is The Only One Who Can Beat Obama”  Let’s clean up your act here please.  As a Palin supporter… we don’t need false reporting like this.  This will hurt our movement to get Sarah in the Oval Office.

    Clever… not using “Quote Marks” on that.  You were just putting those words in his mouth.  And by the way…. Carl Rove is a political SNAKE.  HE DOES NOT SUPPORT PALIN!!

    A Sarah Cub

    PALIN 2012

  17. Sheya says:

    You must have hit post three times. happens

  18. Sheya says:

    You obviously didn’t read the post. because I make it clear what I meant. It’s common practice to play with titles to highlight the posts message 

  19. Anonymous says:

    It’s too early yet for a strong front runner to show up. Remember in 2007 at this time.  People were saying Obama wasn’t “black enough!”
