Palin: Obama Deliberately Keeping Unemployment High

Watching Governor Palin’s Friday night interview with Sean Hannity this little nugget caught my attention:

Hannity: The question is; when half the country doesn’t pay taxes, when 15% are now on food stamps, we have a dependency entitlement class, it’s almost a voting majority. Does that become problematic?

Palin: Of course it does.

Hannity: Explain.

Palin: Of course it does, because all President Obama needs is for more people to not be working and not paying into the system, but [more people] being takers from the system than not, and he can get reelected.

I don’t want to put words into Governor Palin’s mouth, but if I understand it correctly, what she is saying is that for Obama to get reelected he needs more people to become addicted to Government handouts. Once they become addicted to entitlements they will obviously not vote for a candidate who might cut or get rid of those entitlements.  If people are out of work and Obama goes around promising those people that if they reelect him he will help them out and his opponent will hang them out to dry, they will vote for him.

In other words, it’s in Obama’s best interest to keep unemployment as high as possible.

This is an astonishing accusation. Governor Palin might be on to something and it makes a lot of sense. Obama keeps on saying that he won’t rest until every American who wants a job can get one, but every time he utters those words he either leaves on vacation soon after or goes out for a round of golf. It appears that he doesn’t really care about the nations high unemployment. His actions certainly don’t imply that he does.

Maybe someone has already touched on this and I missed it. But I don’t think I have heard anyone come up with this analysis. Frankly speaking I’m rather surprised that Governor Palin is the first one to catch on to this.

If this is true and this is what Obama is really up to, it’s pretty scary. Would Obama really stoop so low and sabotage the US economy just so he could get reelected? I wouldn’t put it past him and neither should anyone else.


Watch Governor Palin’s full interview with Hannity here.

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14 Responses to “Palin: Obama Deliberately Keeping Unemployment High”

  1. I’m pretty sure Mark Levin and Tammy Bruce have talked about this: the destruction of America being done on purpose.

  2. Sheya says:

    Thanks. I have heard others talking about it in general terms. But I’m wondering has anyone discussed it so directly with a direct example?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Of course, he would – this is just more of his transforming this country into a 3rd world banana republic – haven’t you been paying attention for the past 3 years ??  This is exactly what he said he was gonna do and not alot of people paid attention….. I did – but unfortunately, there were more who didn’t…………………………….

  4. Anonymous says:

    no, whats astonishing is that this is surprising to you “sheya”.  if you havent realized this yet, your pretty slow. everybody with half a brain knows its being done intentionally

  5. Anonymous says:

    no, whats astonishing is that this is surprising to you “sheya”.  if you havent realized this yet, your pretty slow. everybody with half a brain knows its being done intentionally

  6. Anonymous says:

    Rush Limbaugh has been saying that Obama is doing all this on purpose.

    PALIN 2012

  7. Anonymous says:

    Rush Limbaugh has been saying that Obama is doing all this on purpose.

    PALIN 2012

  8. Sheya says:

    Hey, what did “I” do?   : ) 

  9. Anonymous says:

    It’s sure a shame that a topic/ non -trust comments like this come up about the President of the US.
    If this was our spouse most of us, not 50% of us,  would be looking for a way to end the relationship.

  10. Anonymous says:

    It’s sure a shame that a topic/ non -trust comments like this come up about the President of the US.
    If this was our spouse most of us, not 50% of us,  would be looking for a way to end the relationship.

  11. Anonymous says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me.

  12. bkisses08 says:

    this is the most craziest thing she has said.. palins popularity is more money to be earned from her so called supporters they are seeing the truth about this money grabbing idiot

  13. Unemployment was skyrocketing in the last three years of the Bush administration, came down a little bit in Obama’s first year, then the GOP took the House and several state legislatures, and voila – rising unemployment again…….

    You’ve got GOP state governments nationwide cutting public sector jobs and infrastructure work, which in turn takes those wages and salaries out of the economy, along with the subordinate products, wages and salaries of all of the private sector jobs cut because the public sector employees are cut out. 
