Both Greta and Tucker make good arguments. Tucker makes a good argument that had this story been about any other Democrat women it would have been national headlines. Greta makes a good argument that the editors note in the post came a little too late.
What Tucker doesn’t get is that while the story would have been national news had it been about Hillary Clinton, the story titles would have been something in the lines of “Tyson’s Repulsive Comments About Secretary Of State”. Basically the media would have condemned the story in the headlines to make it clear that Tyson’s comments were disgusting. Something the Daily Caller didn’t do.
While we want the media to report the news, who, when, where, what and why, sometimes it’s appropriate to add the condemnation in the title or actual article. News organizations should be smart enough to distinguish when it is appropriate to add some opinion into a story and when not. If you cant make that distinction then you shouldn’t be in the news business
As for his argument that Greta interviewed Tyson in April, that’s the stupidest argument I’ve ever seen. Greta didnt interview him after he made those comments or after any controversy, she interviewed him about life after jail. It was more of a profile interview. You can bet that had Greta interviewed Tyson after making those comments she would have gone after him pretty hard.
In any event here is the video:
Here is the Daily Caller post that ignited the debate
Greta took Carlson to task in a string of posts here, here, here, and here
Writing the headline “Tyson’s Repulsive Comments About Sarah Palin” would have been editorializing, not reporting. It was a news story, not an opinion piece, and there are huge differences.
In which case Carlson should just say it was a news story and we cover all news stories. He shouldn’t hide behind the excuse that he was doing Palin a favor by reporting it, which he is practically doing. By using the excuse that had this happened to a Democrat the media would have put it on front pages, he should have reported it in the same way they would have. Condemning it in the title.
I agree Sheya! It should have been an editorial and it provided no news whatsoever. There wasn’t any reason to post it. What is that site? With that headline, it seemed like TMZish.
Why does the DC think anything would happen to Tyson when people like the head of DC calls Sarah that disgusting term, because he really trully hates Sarah?
This kind of smut, if it’s repeated, could have been repeated by a rag like The National Enquirer, if that. As Greta said, she expected real journalism from Tucker’s website, not this garbage.
Greta & Tucker are two of a kind: Loudmouthed hacks looking for ratings. They will be best buds at the next cocktail party. What public service to they perform, and how does it help Sarah, to keep a dumb, disgusting rapist like Mike Tyson front & center?
everyone already knows this, but, i’m on tucker’s side here. you all are shooting the messenger. and it’s sad. greta went way over the top with a baseless personal smear against tucker (that he likes violence against women) and interrupted him many times and got so mad over tucker when tucker wasn’t the one who made the bad comments, it was tyson!
when a liberal makes crazy insane comments about palin, the msm won’t report it. but if a conservative said these things about a liberal, the media would report it.
because the msm wants to spread the narrative that conservatives are crazy, in order to drive the general public over to the liberal side.
in that way, we need to expose the truth (it’s not a narrative) that extreme disgusting palin haters are crazy. that will make normal people stop and think ‘wow, palin couldn’t be THAT bad.’ palin looks rational and sane next to her irrational haters.
the msm wouldn’t report on any story about a liberal saying something bad about palin. so that’s why WE need to do it.
yet when tucker does it, he gets blasted!!
(and no one should bring up the milf tweet, which he CLEARLY REGRETS DOING.)
also: i remember one time that the daily caller reported on a bunch of tweets from random people threatening violence and killing against palin and her family. this was after the tucson thing.
does that mean tucker wants to kill the palins?
because that’s your logic here…
Let’s all close our eyes and pretend he didn’t say anything, because
that’s so much better than confronting it, condemning it and resolving
not to be like him. Lalalalala! *Fingers in my ears*
Or the Daily Caller could just report it and let commentators like you condemn it.
Tucker is a hack. Period. That was a disgusting hit on Palin, nothing more, nothing less. He is only backpedaling because he got called on it.
As Greta says, ” you were caught with your pants down.” Simply to the point.