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In A Lose Lose Situation Mitt Romney Chooses The Truth With London Olympics Comments

Mitt Romney was absolutely right. he called it like he saw it.  Romney spoke for many Londoners, including yours truly, who are totally frustrated by this big giant mess.

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Mitt Romney to host £50,000 a head London fundraisers

Mitt Romney, who was chief executive of the 2002 Winter Olympics, will be in London for the Olympic opening ceremony and is expected to deliver a speech on US foreign policy

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Hypocrite In Chief Obama: “Clooney, Maher Just Ordinary Americans Chipping In What They Can”

Obama has held over 100 fundraising events including events hosted by George Clooney, Ricky Martin, the LGBT Leadership Council and Futuro Fund. Attendance to some events cost $15,000 a plate. How exactly is that not high-powered special interest groups?

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Fox News First 2012 Campaign Ad: How Is That Hopey Changey Working Out For You

My initial reaction when I saw this live this morning on Fox & Friends was “Good, about time someone in the media calls it like it is, glad Fox has come around to it”. After I thought about it, while I like the video and the concept it did raise a question: Should a news network […]

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GOP Groups Plan $1 Billion Blitz

Just the spending linked to the Koch network is more than the $370 million that John McCain raised for his entire presidential campaign four years ago. And the $1 billion total surpasses the $750 million that Barack Obama, one of the most prolific fundraisers ever, collected for his 2008 campaign.

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