Posted on 12 November 2011. Tags: 2012, CBS, Debate, Herman Cain, Jon Huntsman, Major Garrett, Michele Bachmann, Michigan, Mitt Romney, National Journal, Newt Gingrich, Republican Presidential Debate, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Scott Pelley
Spartanburg, South Carolina, November 11 2011 – Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum participate in the Tenth Republican presidential debate of the 2012 campaign season, hosted by CBS News and the National Journal.
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Posted in 2012 Election HQ, Blog, Latest Entries, Mutimedia, Politics, Video
Posted on 04 April 2011. Tags: CBS, Katie Couric
It smells bad for CBS – And for everybody else, too
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Posted in Blog, General News, Latest Entries, Mutimedia, Politics, Video
Posted on 27 January 2011. Tags: ABC, CBS, Media Bias, Russia, SOTU, Sputnik
Governor Palin thinks long term and points out that spending money we don’t have can lead to economic ruin and Sputnik is an example.
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Posted in Latest Entries, Opinion, Politics, Sarah Palin