For some time the narrative on why people believe Governor Palin isn’t running for president has been that she isn’t doing what potential candidates traditionally do in preparation for a run.
As recently as today in a twitter conversation with Ian Lazaran, Chuck Todd tweeted the following (emphasis added):
@IanLazaran not a traditional pol; nothing would surprise. would be surprised if she ran, not shocked. She’s not doing things candidates do
For the first time I actually agree with the main stream media. Yesterday Cindy Adams wrote in the New York Post:
Sarah specialists muttering they’re leaning toward the fact that — they feel — she’s leaning toward making the run. Any newscaster itchy to ask now what’s she reading, the answer would be: The lady studies and does research 24/7. Took time only for a July Fourth home-cooked dinner with tasty yummies like moose chili. Or seconds on polar bear-burgers.
She does not rely on fuddy-duds who’ve worked the circuit since Thomas Jefferson. She does not trust staffers’ stats and opinions. They proceed by rules. She moves by instinct. Makes her own decisions. Consults mostly with Todd. A man’s man, the husband’s no dim bulb. He’s smart. Takes care of family and minute details. They fight, but they listen to one another.
Traditionally candidates suck up to state party officials, research their fund raising capabilities and run around manipulating and brainwashing voters. They rely on “advisers” and strategists to tell them exactly how to tell voters what they want to hear and how to change their views based on the political climate and tide. Governor Palin on the other hand, is actually studying up and researching the job she will be seeking. Rather then sitting around all day figuring out how to get the job, Governor Palin is getting ready to actually do the job.
So yes, Check Todd, his media friends and beltway republicans are right; Governor Palin is not doing what candidates traditionally do. If this is what Governor Palin means by running unconventionally, then this is the type of unconventional campaign most Americans would gladly endorse.
Im a little bit off track but i neede to mention it, The lady with the 3 names DWS head of the dnc, yea Sgt Shultz and her leftie hooligans are beating up on your and Sarahs friend Allen West..
On Levins show he was just on talking about it, I suspect he needs our help I sent a flash sos to the Gov. for hel[p via sarah pac and tim crawford.. I hope people got their ears up…
Hehehe, This is making the lefties and old guard Repubs nervous.
Rather then sitting around all day figuring out how to get the job, Governor Palin is getting ready to actually do the job.
Hehehe, This is making the lefties and old guard Repubs nervous.
Rather then sitting around all day figuring out how to get the job, Governor Palin is getting ready to actually do the job.
Nah!!!! Allen West will kick the 3 name persons ( she’s not a lady ) a&& all over the place. She’s no match for him.
great point. i’m tired of the politicians who only care about winning and they don’t care about how good of a job they’ll do AFTER they win. palin is genuine and she really wants to serve for america.
i love that she’s unconventional. she does what SHE wants, not what everyone else does, not the way you’re “supposed to do it.” she has been saying for several months now that if she ran she would run an unconventional campaign. what the pundits don’t realize is that the campaign started already… it’s just not official yet.
I totally agree. Sarah’s done lots of stuff that presidential candidates don’t normally do, like a reality TV show. I just got “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” on DVD and am loving it! Unconventional to be sure, but very effective.
Found an interesting article:‘Iowa ads will push Bachmann movie in weeks before straw poll’:
It wasn’t even a Bachmann movie: It’s about 15 conservative women INSPIRED BY SARAH PALIN! MB was 1 of 15.