McGinniss admits that all the stories in his book are, well, made up. His biggets source is someone who just goes with a screen name AlaskaWTF who in return uses people like him as their sources.
Posted on 22 September 2011.
McGinniss admits that all the stories in his book are, well, made up. His biggets source is someone who just goes with a screen name AlaskaWTF who in return uses people like him as their sources.
Posted in 2012 Election HQ, Latest Entries, Opinion, Politics, Sarah PalinComments Off on If You Needed Proof All The Trash Thrown At Palin Are Made Up – Here It Is
Posted on 16 April 2011.
If Sarah Palin’s not running for president, what a terrible waste that would be of the single best stump speech I’ve heard since, well, Palin’s ’08 convention speech, which just happened to be the single most electrifying political moment of my adult life
Posted in Blog, Latest Entries, Mutimedia, Politics, Sarah Palin, Video2 Comments
Posted on 06 March 2011.
One can easily conclude that the judge felt the interview was going really well for the Governor. She was very good at discussing a wide range of issues and Pirro realized that this may help her politically, so she decided to deliberately sabotage the interview.
Posted in Latest Entries, Opinion, Politics, Sarah Palin1 Comment