When you don’t have the facts, as exciting as the news is, you just don’t run with it.
Posted on 09 March 2011.
When you don’t have the facts, as exciting as the news is, you just don’t run with it.
Posted in Latest Entries, Opinion, Politics, Sarah PalinComments Off on Ben Smith Gets Egg On His Face From Scottsdale, Arizona
Posted on 17 September 2010.
Governor Palin is on a roll, she’s given quite a few successful speeches recently, 25 of her 36 endorses won their respective primaries, including the two now infamous long shots – who everyone had written off from the beginning – Joe Miller in Alaska and Christine O’Donnell in Delaware and even a mega hit piece […]
Posted in Opinion, Politics, Sarah PalinComments Off on A Lesson from Governor Palin: You Have The Right To Remain Silent