Tag Archive | "Gabrielle Giffords"

Jonah Goldberg: To Hell With You People

And yet you know the next time there’s the slightest, remotely exploitable tragedy or hint of violence, the same reporters, editors, producers and politicians are going to insist that blood was spilled because of the right wing’s rhetoric. Well, go to Hell. All of you.

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What Happened to the Who, What, When, Where and Why of Journalism?

Quit making things up

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Posted in Latest Entries, Opinion, Politics, Sarah Palin2 Comments

Partners In Blood

I’m a proud observant Jew and I am always proud to stand with Governor Palin, but today we are also partners in blood.

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Can we get back to normality now?

Americans tend to way over react. Yes it is a sad situation when anyone is shot but all evidence points that this was not political it just so happens that one of the victims happens to be a congresswoman whom the killer was obsessed with.

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Politicizing An Horrific Tragedy

Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is in intensive care unit following surgery for a gunshot wound in the head at close range by a liberal lone heartless gunman. While the shooter was a lone criminal, liberals are coming out of the woodworks to pin the shooting on no other than Governor Palin for targeting 20 house […]

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