Tag Archive | "Governor Palin"

Fox Ups The Ante Against Governor Palin

If you had any doubts of what Fox is up to this should put all those doubts to rest. Fox is out to sabotage Governor Palin. It’s time Palin got out of there, fast.

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Posted in Latest Entries, Opinion, Politics, Sarah Palin55 Comments

Governor Palin: The Message Is Clear, It’s Time!

He’s sent you a lousy field, he’s sent you a desperate nation and he’s sent you people who are willing to go to the mat for you, people who’ll sacrifice it all for you. He even sent you the stinking cows and got me to write the message for you. What else are you waiting for?

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Posted in 2012 Election HQ, Opinion, Politics, Sarah Palin32 Comments

Who Should Leave The Room?

Governor Palin has now done a series of interviews covering a wide range of topics, including her personal life and policy issues ranging from the war in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Israel, North Korea, Health Care, the Economy and Energy. But, from reading and watching the media, you would come to the conclusion that […]

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Posted in Opinion, Politics, Sarah Palin1 Comment

Governor Palin’s Good Day

On CBS “The Early Show” Levi Johnston repeated his claim that Governor Palin called her son Trig, who has Down Syndrome, “retarded,” prompting a firm rebuttal from the governor. Instantly commentators, bloggers and journalists all over the country, many with good intentions at heart, questioned the governor’s motives for the rebuttal. Conventional wisdom has it […]

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To defend or not defend? That is the question.

I was lying in bed last night, tossing and turning. I guess running a 72 hour shift gets you used to not sleeping. Anyway, I got to thinking. It seems we are constantly defending Governor Palin here, and I began to think how ridiculous it is that we must do so. We have a guy […]

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